From New Orleans to Curaçao.

Before I Die is a global art project that invites people to reflect on their lives and share their personal aspirations in public space. This project was started by Candy Chang on an abandoned house in New Orleans after she lost someone she loved.

You can find more info about the project here.

In this example, I want to show this wall positioned on the beautiful island of Curaçao, located in the Caribbean. The wall was born in March 2013 and was travelling around the capital city Willemstad with its starting point next to Kranshi, the civil registry in Otrobanda. The idea is to share different views both from locals and tourist. The spontaneous writings on the wall in four different languages represent the hopes, dreams and fears of the multicultural community of Curaçao.

The ones who made this amazing wall were Reineke Keijzers-Bouma, Floor den Dulk, Berber van Beek, Renske Pin, Tupak Rosario, Kirk Claes, Arjan Keijzers, Lonserito Jakob, Sandra Silvani, Kooyman, Albert Heijn Zeelandia, Fun Miles, Monumentenzorg, JBC Construction, Blend Creative Imaging & Dutch Durables.

“Before I die I want to mira mi yu nan kaba skol y ta riba nan mes i felis.”
“Before I die I want to bai Hulanda wak mi yu.”
“Before I die I want to een opvang oprichten voor jongeren na hun detentie.”
“Before I die I want to mis hijos se au felises.”
“Before I die I want to have a house, a job and a car.”
“Before I die I want to finish school.”
“Before I die I want to stima otro en berdad di kurason.”
“Before I die I want to lead a nation to prosperity.”

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